Fertiliser & Spreading

Kellys Ag Services

Kellys Ag Services along provides a comprehensive fertiliser spreading service.

We pride ourselves in providing high-application accuracy, state-of-the-art guidance technology and independent assessments to ensure optimum fertiliser delivery.

Our spreaders are all 4 wheel drive MAN trucks with Commspread stainless steel bins that are purpose built and calibrated for spreading the following products and are set up with Topcon mapping, variable rate technology:

  • Lime
  • Dolomite
  • Gypsum
  • Super
  • Urea

Complete annual spreading packages

Together with our independent agronomy advice, Kellys Fertiliser Service is able to provide a comprehensive annual spreading program for your farm.

Book a spreader

Book your fertiliser and spreading service ahead of time and lock in an early-bird rate.